Department of Student Engagement and Creative Career Services
The vision of the department of Student Engagement and Creative Career Services is to support student persistence, retention and inclusion through fostering meaningful relationships and community building, encouraging creative and entrepreneurial mindsets with a goal of life-long learning, and providing transformative and experiential learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. The outcomes for the department are to ensure that students are empowered and are prepared for the future of creative work in transdisciplinary areas. The values of the team are creating a community of care, commitment to access and inclusion, and leading with integrity, respect and fun.
Relationships and community
- Creates relationships that support student dreams, aspirations and goals.
- Provides opportunities for students to develop unique affinity and community in a place that supports their holistic thriving.
Creativity and innovation
- Fosters entrepreneurial and creative mindsets to create the next generation of thought leaders and culture makers.
- Develops interdisciplinary student collaboration opportunities and community both inside and outside of the classroom.
Experiential and transformative learning opportunities
- Dismantles barriers to knowledge exchange by developing transdisciplinary skills and competencies to complement creative talent.
- Promotes life-long learning outside of the classroom, enriching the student’s unique academic and future professional pursuits.
Empowerment and persistence
- Engages students in creative engagement programs to develop their identity, empowerment and self-efficacy.
- Fosters a Community of Care and designs support systems for students experiencing challenges, offering one on one support and assistance in navigating university structures.
Whole citizen engagement
- Centers justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in multi-disciplinary learning approaches in order to foster global citizenship.
- Works with diverse stakeholders to dismantle systems of inequality and support justice-centered creative exploration.
Future impact
- Provides career-related experiences and systems for exploration of professional futures post-graduation.
- Supports the development of an entrepreneurial mindset and facilitates the implementation of student ideas and concepts for greater social impact and scale.
Student Engagement and Creative Career Services staff
Student Engagement
Creative Mentors
Creative Mentors are upper division undergraduate student leaders who holistically support the development of first-year on-campus students though events, programming, and mentorship. They are supervised by Jacob Buttry, learn more about the team and how to join.
Hayden Beausoleil | hbeausol@asu.edu | School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Music Learning and Teaching, Tempe
Tilda Hanlon-McGregor | thanlonm@asu.edu | ASU FIDM, Fashion, Downtown
GianCarlo Lay | gdlay1@asu.edu | School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Performance (Saxophone), Tempe
Izzy Ledesma | irledesm@asu.edu | Art, Animation, Tempe
Jessy Moran | jkmoran@asu.edu | School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Theatre (Design & Production), Tempe
Anahi Moreno | amoren60@asu.edu | The Design School, Industrial Design, Tempe
Kore Omodara | oomodar1@asu.edu | School of Arts, Media & Engineering, Media Arts and Sciences, Tempe
Nya Salahdeen | nsalahd1@asu.edu | School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Theatre (Acting), Tempe
Rajvir Singh | rsing180@asu.edu | Sidney Poitier New American Film School, Film and Media Production, Tempe
Alaina Tesarek | amtesare@asu.edu | The Design School, Interior Design, Tempe
Digital Mentors
Digital Mentors are upper division undergraduate student leaders who digital connection, community, and resources through digital platforms like HIVE. They are supervised by Jacob Buttry, learn more about the team and how to join.
Sara Keith, Engagement Coordinator | slkeith@asu.edu |School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Dance, Tempe
Vanessa Longoria, Student Communications Coordinator | vlongor2@asu.edu | School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Theatre (Acting), Tempe
Nicole Mackenzie, Engagement Coordinator | ndmacken@asu.edu | The Design School, Graphic Design, Online
Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors are upper division undergraduate student leaders who mentor first-year and transfer students from underrepresented backgrounds, including first generation students. They are supervised by Wendi Maroney.
Alonzo Coronado | aacoron9@asu.edu |School of Art, Animation, Tempe
Maricela Echeveste | mnecheve@asu.edu | The Design School, Interior Design, Tempe
Kaylyn Manlove-Simmons | kmanlove@asu.edu | School of Music, Dance & Theatre, Music Therapy, Tempe
Malakai Martin | mmart376@asu.edu | School of Art, Animation, Tempe
Shreya Omar | somar6@asu.edu | The Design School, Architectural Studies, Tempe
Ivanna Suarez | ipsepulv@asu.edu | The Design School, Architectural Studies, Tempe
Creative Career Services
Creative Career Peers
Jamie Ellison | jmelli15@mainex1.asu.edu | Art, Animation, Tempe
Mariana Espinoza Martinez | mespin57@asu.edu | Design, Architectural Studies, Tempe
Uzoma Ndulue | undulue@asu.edu | Design, Industrial Design, Tempe
Elijah Verduzco | everduz2@asu.edu | Music, Dance & Theatre, Popular Music, Downtown
Creative Career Graduate Assistants
Alexandra Chea - Employer and Industry Relations | anchea@mainex1.asu.edu
Roshan Nagappan - Internship Coordinator | rnagapp1@mainex1.asu.edu