Step 1: Prepare for registration
- Enroll in and complete the Herberger online - Welcome in Canvas.
- Self enroll in the Canvas course (and follow the instructions to enroll and enter the course).
- You do not need to complete the whole course in one sitting. You can find this course again by clicking the Canvas link on the top left of your My ASU page.
- This course has three modules of content to help you succeed:
- Module 1 - Welcome.
- Module 2 - Tutorials and resources (review transferred credits and/or submit courses for transfer evaluation, the academic calendar, class registration instructions, and more resources).
- Module 3 - Connect with academic advising.
- On your My ASU page, review the priority task list regularly (new tasks pop up occasionally).
- Complete any assigned orientation.
- Complete any assigned placement assessments.
- Submit transfer courses for evaluation (if applicable) by sending in official transcripts to the ASU admissions office.
- After completing the Herberger online - Welcome, connect with an academic advisor for your major (viewable on your My ASU page) to:
- Determine your math class at ASU (take math placement if applicable).
- Determine your English class at ASU.
- Register for your first semester classes.