Maroon colored cactus pattern

Academic advising appointments

Schedule an appointment

Undergraduate academic advising appointments are available year round and should be scheduled with the lead advisor for your major or minor program whenever possible.

  1. Book yourself an appointment

    This option is only for current Herberger Institute majors

    • Schedule an appointment on MyASU.
    • Infographic on how to make an appointment.
    • The online scheduling system only shows two weeks of available appointments for each advisor. If the advisor’s schedule is full, students can return to the scheduling system the following day to see the next chronological day with open appointments.
  2. Contact the front desk

  3. Visit in person

    • Advising support is located at:
Tempe Campus:Downtown Phoenix Campus:

Design South (CDS), Room 101

Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Open year round

Fusion on First (FOF), Room 320

Mon - Thur, 8:30 - 4:30

Open during Fall & Spring semesters

(Closed during Winter & Summer Breaks)

Come to your appointment prepared:

  • Know your ASU student ID number or have your ASU ID card ready.
  • Check your account at for any registration holds and clear up what you can prior to seeing an advisor.
  • Review your major map and know the required and critical courses for your major.
  • Run and review your DARS report. Learn how to run a DARS report.
  • Bring a written list of questions you would like to discuss and ideas of courses you are planning to take next semester. Please check course availability in the schedule of classes.
  • If asking questions about a letter, email, or form that you received from anyone at the university, bring it with you for the advisor to review.
  • When asking questions about specific courses know the prefix and number (i.e., DSC is the prefix and 180 is the course number) of the course.

Herberger Advising Appointment Policies:

Student is Late Arriving for Appointment

To be respectful of one another’s time, advisors make every effort to be prepared to start appointments on time. If an advisor has not arrived within five minutes of the designated appointment time, students should contact the front desk immediately at 480-965-4495. Students are similarly held to a standard of respect for their advisor's time and the time of other students who have scheduled the immediately following appointment. If a student is late to their scheduled appointment as listed below, they will be asked to reschedule for another time slot:

  • Standard / Same-day (30 minute) appointments: 10 minutes or more late will need to reschedule
  • Long (60 minute) appointments: 15 minutes or more late will need to reschedule

Note: Students arriving late to their appointment will only have until the originally scheduled end time to complete their meeting.

Advisor is Late Arriving for Appointment

Advisors are expected to be prompt and timely to respect students' time. If an advisor is more than 5 minutes late, students should immediately contact our front desk. If waiting in the office, speak to a staff member at the reception desk. Otherwise, call 480-965-4495.

Guests Requesting Appointments

Guests (such as parents, friends, and other supporters of students) are not permitted to request advising appointments. Only students are permitted to request / schedule advising appointments. 

  • Are you a guest concerned about a student? Find resources and/or submit your student to our Community of Care support team.
  • Are you a guest with a question about a general policy or procedure? Email our team at
Guests Attending Appointments

Guests (such as parents, friends, and other supporters of students) may not be permitted to join their student during advising appointments. If a student wishes for a guest to join them during their advising appointment, the individual must be already authorized in writing (such as an email in advance of the appointment) or through My ASU Parent Guest Access.  Note: guests are not permitted to attend advising appointments without their student; if a student is unable to attend an appointment, they will need to reschedule.

Advising Appointment Times

ASU is an Arizona based institution and all appointment times are shown / published in Arizona time. Students are responsible for scheduling and understanding time zone differences between their local time and Arizona time. The appointment scheduling system does post the current Arizona time to assist individuals in understanding the difference between their local time and Arizona time. This does get tricky around November and March when most of the country is preparing to change their clocks. Arizona does not observe daylight savings time and does not change clocks forwards or backwards. Extra care needs to be taken when scheduling appointments if your local time will be changing due to daylight savings time.